The circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) are continuing to develop hourly (let alone daily), and with the rapid-fire nature of modern media and social media channels, details vary from broadcast to broadcast, leaving many in the workforce in confusion and fear.
The new Families First Coronavirus Response Act takes effect April 2, 2020 and with it comes temporary requirements that impacts employers with less than 500 employees.
Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? When you do it right, Dealing With Difficult People drastically improves your life as you improve your working relationships
Many employers struggle to gather information during witness interviews in investigations. Many employees for a variety of reasons are reluctant to be involved and can be less than forthcoming.
Overnight many organizations have had to change their fundamental approach to getting work done through teams; specifically, they are having to rely more heavily on a remote team structure.
According to Jonathan Spira, interruptions cost the US economy almost $1 trillion annually, and eat up to 28 billion hours each year.
Clearly, in order to get work done, we need to manage our interruptions. But how?
This lesson will be addressing how practice/business managers (or compliance offers) need to get their HIPAA house in order as HIPAA is now fully enforced and the government is not using kid gloves any more.